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Text File | 2007-09-08 | 86.0 KB | 2,062 lines |
- #include-once
- #region Header
- #cs
- Title: Microsoft Word Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3
- Filename: Word.au3
- Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading from and manipulating Microsoft Word
- Author: Bob Anthony
- Version: V1.0-1
- Last Update: 4/14/07
- Requirements: AutoIt v3.2.0.1 or higher, Developed/Tested on WindowsXP Pro with Microsoft Word 2003
- Notes: Errors associated with incorrect objects will be common user errors.
- Special thanks to DaleHohm for letting me base this code off his IE.au3 Library!
- Update History: http://www.autoitscript.com/fileman/users/Big_Daddy/libraries/word/history.htm
- #ce
- #endregion
- #region Global Variables and Constants
- Global Const $WordAU3VersionInfo[6] = ["V", 1, 0, 1, "20070414", "V1.0-1"]
- Global Const $WORD_LSFW_LOCK = 1, $WORD_LSFW_UNLOCK = 2
- Global $__WordAU3Debug = False
- Global $_WordErrorNotify = True
- Global $oWordErrorHandler, $sWordUserErrorHandler
- Global _; Com Error Handler Status Strings
- $WordComErrorNumber, _
- $WordComErrorNumberHex, _
- $WordComErrorDescription, _
- $WordComErrorScriptline, _
- $WordComErrorWinDescription, _
- $WordComErrorSource, _
- $WordComErrorHelpFile, _
- $WordComErrorHelpContext, _
- $WordComErrorLastDllError, _
- $WordComErrorComObj, _
- $WordComErrorOutput
- ;
- ; Enums
- ;
- Global Enum _; Error Status Types
- $_WordStatus_Success = 0, _
- $_WordStatus_GeneralError, _
- $_WordStatus_ComError, _
- $_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, _
- $_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, _
- $_WordStatus_InvalidValue, _
- $_WordStatus_ReadOnly, _
- $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- Global Enum Step * 2 _; NotificationLevel
- $_WordNotifyLevel_None = 0, _
- $_WordNotifyNotifyLevel_Warning = 1, _
- $_WordNotifyNotifyLevel_Error, _
- $_WordNotifyNotifyLevel_ComError
- Global Enum Step * 2 _; NotificationMethod
- $_WordNotifyMethod_Silent = 0, _
- $_WordNotifyMethod_Console = 1, _
- $_WordNotifyMethod_ToolTip, _
- $_WordNotifyMethod_MsgBox
- #endregion
- #region Core Functions
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordCreate()
- ; Description: Create a Microsoft Office Word Object
- ; Parameter(s): $s_FilePath - Optional: specifies the file on open upon creation (See Remarks)
- ; $f_tryAttach - Optional: specifies whether to try to attach to an existing window
- ; 0 = (Default) do not try to attach
- ; 1 = Try to attach to an existing window
- ; $f_visible - Optional: specifies whether the window will be visible
- ; 0 = Window is hidden
- ; 1 = (Default) Window is visible
- ; $f_takeFocus - Optional: specifies whether to bring the attached window to focus
- ; 0 = Do Not Bring window into focus
- ; 1 = (Default) bring window into focus
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to a Word.Application object
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Set to true (1) or false (0) depending on the success of $f_tryAttach
- ; Remark(s): File will be created if it does not exist.
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordCreate($s_FilePath = "", $f_tryAttach = 0, $f_visible = 1, $f_takeFocus = 1)
- Local $o_Result, $o_object, $o_win, $h_hwnd, $result, $f_mustUnlock = 0, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- If Not $f_visible Then $f_takeFocus = 0 ; Force takeFocus to 0 for hidden window
- If $s_FilePath = "" Then $f_tryAttach = 0 ; There is currently no way of attaching to a blank document
- If $f_tryAttach Then
- $o_Result = _WordAttach($s_FilePath)
- If IsObj($o_Result) Then
- If $f_takeFocus Then
- $o_win = $o_Result.ActiveWindow
- $h_hwnd = __WordGetHWND($o_win)
- If IsHWnd($h_hwnd) Then WinActivate($h_hwnd)
- EndIf
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended(1)
- Return $o_Result
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If Not $f_visible Then
- $result = __WordLockSetForegroundWindow($WORD_LSFW_LOCK)
- If $result Then $f_mustUnlock = 1
- EndIf
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordCreate", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- $o_object = ObjGet("", "Word.Application")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Or @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- If Not $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success Then
- $o_object = ObjCreate("Word.Application")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordCreate", "", "Word Object Creation Failed")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndIf
- $o_object.visible = $f_visible
- If $f_mustUnlock Then
- $result = __WordLockSetForegroundWindow($WORD_LSFW_UNLOCK)
- If Not $result Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordCreate", "", "Foreground Window Unlock Failed!")
- ; If the unlock doesn't work we will have created an unwanted modal window
- EndIf
- If $s_FilePath = "" Then
- _WordDocAdd($o_object)
- Else
- _WordDocOpen($o_object, $s_FilePath)
- EndIf
- SetError(@error)
- Return $o_object
- EndFunc ;==>_WordCreate
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordAttach()
- ; Description: Attach to the first existing instance of Microsoft Word where the
- ; search string matches based on the selected mode.
- ; Parameter(s): $s_string - String to search for
- ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode
- ; FileName = Name of the open document
- ; FilePath = (Default) Full path to the open document
- ; HWND = hwnd of the word window
- ; Text = Text from the body of the document
- ; Title = Title of the word window
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the Word.Application object
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; - 7 ($_WordStatus_NoMatch) = No Match
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordAttach($s_string, $s_mode = "FilePath")
- $s_mode = StringLower($s_mode)
- Local $o_Result, $o_window, $o_windows, $h_hwnd, $return, _
- $i_Extended, $s_ErrorMSG = "", $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordAttach", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- $o_Result = ObjGet("", "Word.Application")
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError And $WordComErrorNumber = -2147221021 And $WordComErrorWinDescription = "Operation unavailable" Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- EndIf
- If $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success Then
- $o_windows = $o_Result.Application.Windows
- If Not IsObj($o_windows) Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success Then
- For $o_window In $o_windows
- Switch $s_mode
- Case "filename"
- If $o_window.Document.Name = $s_string Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- $o_window.Activate
- $return = $o_window.Application
- EndIf
- Case "filepath"
- If $o_window.Document.FullName = $s_string Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- $o_window.Activate
- $return = $o_window.Application
- EndIf
- Case "hwnd"
- $h_hwnd = __WordGetHWND($o_window)
- If IsHWnd($h_hwnd) Then
- If $h_hwnd = $s_string Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- $o_window.Activate
- $return = $o_window.Application
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Case "text"
- If StringInStr($o_window.Document.Range.Text, $s_string) Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- $o_window.Activate
- $return = $o_window.Application
- EndIf
- Case "title"
- If ($o_window.Caption & " - " & $o_window.Application.Caption) = $s_string Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- $o_window.Activate
- $return = $o_window.Application
- EndIf
- Case Else
- ; Invalid Mode
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "Invalid Mode Specified"
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndSwitch
- Next
- If Not IsObj($return) Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $return
- Case $_WordStatus_NoMatch
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordAttach", "$_WordStatus_NoMatch")
- SetError($_WordStatus_NoMatch)
- Return 0
- Case $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordAttach", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordAttach", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordAttach
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordQuit()
- ; Description: Close the window and remove the object reference to it
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application
- ; $i_SaveChanges - Optional: specifies the save action for the document
- ; 0 = Do not save changes
- ; -1 = Save changes
- ; -2 = (Default) Prompt to save changes
- ; $i_OriginalFormat - Optional: specifies the save format for the document
- ; 0 = Word Document
- ; 1 = (Default) Original Document Format
- ; 2 = Prompt User
- ; $f_RouteDocument - Optional: specifies whether to route the document to the next recipient
- ; 0 = (Default) do not route
- ; 1 = route to next recipient
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordQuit(ByRef $o_object, $i_SaveChanges = -2, $i_OriginalFormat = 1, $f_RouteDocument = 0)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordQuit", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordQuit", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $o_object.Quit ($i_SaveChanges, $i_OriginalFormat, $f_RouteDocument)
- $o_object = 0
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordQuit
- #endregion
- #region Document Functions
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocAdd()
- ; Description: Returns an object variable representing a new empty document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application object
- ; $i_DocumentType - Optional: specifies the new document type
- ; 0 = (Default) blank document
- ; 1 = Web page
- ; 2 = Email Message (need to figure out why this doesn't open)
- ; 3 = Frameset
- ; 4 = XML Document
- ; $s_Template - Optional: specifies name of the template to be used for the new document
- ; "" = (Default) normal template is used
- ; $f_NewTemplate - Optional: specifies whether to open the document as a template
- ; 0 = (Default) do not open as template
- ; 1 = open as template
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to a Word.Application, document object
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocAdd(ByRef $o_object, $i_DocumentType = 0, $s_Template = "", $f_NewTemplate = 0)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAdd", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAdd", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $o_doc
- $o_doc = $o_object.Documents.Add ($s_Template, $f_NewTemplate, $i_DocumentType)
- If Not IsObj($o_doc) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAdd", "", "Document Object Creation Failed")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_doc
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocAdd
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocOpen()
- ; Description: Opens a Microsoft Word Document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application object
- ; $s_FilePath - Full path of the document to open (See Remarks)
- ; $f_ConfirmConversions - Optional: Specifies whether to display the Convert File dialog box
- ; if the file isn't in Microsoft Word format.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not display
- ; 1 = Display
- ; $i_Format - Optional: The file converter to be used to open the document.
- ; 0 = (Default) The existing format
- ; 1 = Microsoft Word Document format
- ; 2 = Microsoft Word Template format
- ; 3 = Rich text format (RTF)
- ; 4 = Unencoded text format
- ; 5 = Unicode text format or Encoded text format
- ; 6 = Microsoft Word format that is backward compatible with earlier versions of Microsoft Word
- ; 7 = HTML format
- ; 8 = XML format
- ; $f_ReadOnly - Optional: Specifies whether to open the document as read-only.
- ; Note: This argument doesn't override the read-only recommended setting on a saved document.
- ; 0 = (Default) Open as Read/Write
- ; 1 = Open as Read Only
- ; $f_Revert - Optional: Controls what happens if $s_FilePath is an open document.
- ; 0 = (Default) Activate the open document
- ; 1 = Discard any unsaved changes to the open document and reopen the file
- ; $f_AddToRecentFiles - Optional: Specifies whether to add the file name to the list of recently used
- ; files at the bottom of the File menu.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not add
- ; 1 = Add
- ; $s_PasswordDocument - Optional: The password for opening the document.
- ; "" = (Default) Null
- ; $s_WritePasswordDocument- Optional: The password for saving changes to the document.
- ; "" = (Default) Null
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to a Word.Application, document object
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Remark(s): File will be created if it does not exist.
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocOpen(ByRef $o_object, $s_FilePath, $f_ConfirmConversions = 0, $i_Format = 0, $f_ReadOnly = 0, $f_Revert = 0, $f_AddToRecentFiles = 0, $s_PasswordDocument = "", $s_WritePasswordDocument = "")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocOpen", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocOpen", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $o_doc
- If Not FileExists($s_FilePath) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocOpen", "", "The specified file does not exist, but we will attempt to create it.")
- $o_doc = _WordDocAdd($o_object)
- If @error Then
- SetError(@error)
- Return $o_doc
- EndIf
- _WordDocSaveAs($o_doc, $s_FilePath)
- If @error Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocOpen", "", "The specified file could not be created.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError, 2)
- Return 0
- Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Info", "_WordDocOpen", "", "The specified file was created successfully.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_doc
- EndIf
- EndIf
- $o_doc = $o_object.Documents.Open ($s_FilePath, $f_ConfirmConversions, $f_ReadOnly, $f_AddToRecentFiles, _
- $s_PasswordDocument, "", $f_Revert, $s_WritePasswordDocument, "", $i_Format)
- If Not IsObj($o_doc) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocOpen", "", "Document Object Creation Failed")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_doc
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocOpen
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocSave()
- ; Description: Saves a previously opened document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Remark(s): If a document hasn't been saved before, the Save As dialog box prompts the user for a file name
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocSave(ByRef $o_object)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocSave", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocSave", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- If Not FileExists($o_object.FullName) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocSave", "", "The specified document has not be saved, please use _WordDocSaveAs first.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $o_object.Save
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocSave
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocSaveAs()
- ; Description: Saves the specified document with a new name or format.
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $s_FilePath - Optional: The full file path for saving the document. (See Remarks)
- ; "" = (Default) If the document has never been saved,
- ; the default name is used (for example, Document1.doc)
- ; $i_Format - Optional: The format in which the document is saved.
- ; 0 = (Default) Microsoft Word format
- ; 1 = Microsoft Word template format
- ; 2 = Microsoft Windows text format
- ; 3 = Microsoft Windows text format with line breaks preserved
- ; 4 = Microsoft DOS text format
- ; 5 = Microsoft DOS text with line breaks preserved
- ; 6 = Rich text format (RTF)
- ; 7 = Unicode text format or Encoded text format
- ; 8 = Standard HTML format
- ; 9 = Web archive format
- ; 10 = Filtered HTML format
- ; 11 = Extensible Markup Language (XML) format
- ; $f_ReadOnlyRecommended - Optional: Specifies whether to have Microsoft Word suggest
- ; read-only status whenever the document is opened.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not suggest read only
- ; 1 = Suggest read only
- ; $f_AddToRecentFiles - Optional: Specifies whether to add the file name to the list of recently used
- ; files at the bottom of the File menu.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not add
- ; 1 = Add
- ; $f_LockComments - Optional: Specifies whether to lock the document for comments.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not lock for comments
- ; 1 = Lock for comments
- ; $s_Password - Optional: A password string for opening the document. (See Remarks)
- ; $s_WritePassword - Optional: A password string for saving changes to the document. (See Remarks)
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Remark(s): If a document with the specified file name already exists, the document is overwritten without the user being prompted first.
- ; Avoid using hard-coded passwords in your applications. If a password is required in a procedure,
- ; request the password from the user, store it in a variable, and then use the variable in your code.
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocSaveAs(ByRef $o_object, $s_FilePath = "", $i_Format = 0, $f_ReadOnlyRecommended = 0, $f_AddToRecentFiles = 0, $f_LockComments = 0, $s_Password = "", $s_WritePassword = "")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocSaveAs", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocSaveAs", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- If FileExists($s_FilePath) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocSaveAs", "", "The specified file path already exists and will be overwritten.")
- EndIf
- If $s_FilePath = "" Then
- $s_FilePath = $o_object.FullName
- EndIf
- $o_object.SaveAs ($s_FilePath, $i_Format, $f_LockComments, $s_Password, _
- $f_AddToRecentFiles, $s_WritePassword, $f_ReadOnlyRecommended)
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocSaveAs
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocClose()
- ; Description: Closes a previously opened word document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $i_SaveChanges - Optional: specifies the save action for the document
- ; 0 = Do not save changes
- ; -1 = Save changes
- ; -2 = (Default) Prompt to save changes
- ; $i_OriginalFormat - Optional: specifies the save format for the document
- ; 0 = Word Document
- ; 1 = Original Document Format
- ; 2 = (Default) Prompt User
- ; $f_RouteDocument - Optional: specifies whether to route the document to the next recipient
- ; 0 = (Default) do not route
- ; 1 = route to next recipient
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocClose(ByRef $o_object, $i_SaveChanges = -2, $i_OriginalFormat = 2, $f_RouteDocument = 0)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocClose", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocClose", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $o_object.Close ($i_SaveChanges, $i_OriginalFormat, $f_RouteDocument)
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocClose
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocGetCollection()
- ; Description: Returns a collection object containing all documents
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application object
- ; $v_index - Optional: Specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance.
- ; -1 = (Default) Returns a collection
- ; 0 = Returns the Active Document
- ; The document name or index number to return (1 based)
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object collection of all documents, @EXTENDED = document count
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; - 7 ($_WordStatus_NoMatch) = No Match
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $v_index = -1)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If IsNumber($v_index) Then
- Select
- Case $v_index = -1
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Documents.Count)
- Return $o_object.Documents
- Case $v_index = 0
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Documents.Count)
- Return $o_object.ActiveDocument
- Case $v_index > 0 And $v_index <= $o_object.Documents.Count
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Documents.Count)
- Return $o_object.Documents ($v_index)
- Case $v_index < -1
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_NoMatch")
- SetError($_WordStatus_NoMatch, 2)
- Return 0
- EndSelect
- Else
- For $o_doc In $o_object.Documents
- If $o_doc.Name = $v_index Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Documents.Count)
- Return $o_doc
- EndIf
- Next
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_NoMatch")
- SetError($_WordStatus_NoMatch, 2)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocGetCollection
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocFindReplace()
- ; Description: Runs the specified find and replace operation.
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $s_FindText - Optional: The text to be searched for. (See Remarks)
- ; "" = (Default) Used to search for formatting only.
- ; $s_ReplaceWith - Optional: The replacement text. (See Remarks)
- ; "" = (Default) Delete the text specified by $s_FindText
- ; $i_Replace - Optional: Specifies how many replacements are to be made.
- ; 0 = Replace no occurrences
- ; 1 = Replace the first occurrence encountered
- ; 2 = (Default) Replace all occurrences
- ; $v_SearchRange - Optional: Specifies the Selection or Range to search.
- ; -1 = Specifies the current selection
- ; 0 = (Default) Specifies the entire document
- ; Any range object
- ; $f_MatchCase - Optional: Specifies whether the find text will be case-sensitive.
- ; 0 = (Default) Not case-sensitive
- ; 1 = Case-sensitive
- ; $f_MatchWholeWord - Optional: Specifies whether to have the find operation locate only entire words,
- ; not text that's part of a larger word.
- ; 0 = (Default) Match partial words
- ; 1 = Only match entire words
- ; $f_MatchWildcards - Optional: Specifies whether to have $s_FindText be a special search operator.
- ; 0 = (Default) Not a special search operator
- ; 1 = Special search operator
- ; $f_MatchSoundsLike - Optional: Specifies whether to have the find operation locate words that sound similar to $s_FindText.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not find similar sounding words
- ; 1 = Find similar sounding words
- ; $f_MatchAllWordForms- Optional: Specifies whether to have the find operation locate all forms of the find text
- ; (for example, "sit" locates "sitting" and "sat").
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not match other word forms
- ; 1 = Match all word forms
- ; $f_Forward - Optional: Specifies which direction to search.
- ; 0 = Search backward (toward the start of the document)
- ; 1 = (Default) Search forward (toward the end of the document)
- ; $i_Wrap - Optional: Controls what happens if the search begins at a point other than the beginning of the document
- ; and the end of the document is reached (or vice versa if $f_Forward is set to 0).
- ; 0 = The find operation ends if the beginning or end of the search range is reached
- ; 1 = (Default) The find operation continues if the beginning or end of the search range is reached
- ; $f_Format - Optional: Specifies whether to have the find operation locate formatting in addition to or instead of the find text.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not locate formatting
- ; 1 = Locate formatting
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; - 7 ($_WordStatus_NoMatch) = No Match
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocFindReplace(ByRef $o_object, $s_FindText = "", $s_ReplaceWith = "", $i_Replace = 2, $v_SearchRange = 0, $f_MatchCase = 0, $f_MatchWholeWord = 0, $f_MatchWildcards = 0, $f_MatchSoundsLike = 0, $f_MatchAllWordForms = 0, $f_Forward = 1, $i_Wrap = 1, $f_Format = 0)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocFindReplace", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocFindReplace", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $o_Find, $return
- Select
- Case $v_SearchRange = -1
- $v_SearchRange = $o_object.Application.Selection.Range
- Case $v_SearchRange = 0
- $v_SearchRange = $o_object.Range
- Case $v_SearchRange > -1
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocFindReplace", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 5)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- If Not __WordIsObjType($v_SearchRange, "range") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocFindReplace", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 5)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndSelect
- $o_Find = $v_SearchRange.Find
- With $o_Find
- .ClearFormatting ()
- .Replacement.ClearFormatting ()
- $return = .Execute($s_FindText, $f_MatchCase, $f_MatchWholeWord, $f_MatchWildcards, $f_MatchSoundsLike, _
- $f_MatchAllWordForms, $f_Forward, $i_Wrap, $f_Format, $s_ReplaceWith, $i_Replace)
- EndWith
- If $return Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocFindReplace", "$_WordStatus_NoMatch")
- SetError($_WordStatus_NoMatch)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocFindReplace
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocPrint()
- ; Description: Prints all or part of the specified document.
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $f_Background - Optional: Specifies whether to have the script continue while
- ; Microsoft Word prints the document. (See Remarks)
- ; 0 = (Default) Wait for document to print
- ; 1 = Continue script without waiting
- ; $i_Copies - Optional: The number of copies to be printed.
- ; $i_Orientation - Optional: Sets the orientation of the page.
- ; -1 = (Default) Current document orientation
- ; 0 = Portrait
- ; 1 = Landscape
- ; $f_Collate - Optional: Specifies whether to print all pages of the document before printing the next copy.
- ; 0 = Do not collate
- ; 1 = (Default) Collate
- ; $s_Printer - Optional: Sets the name of the printer.
- ; $i_Range - Optional: Specifies the page range.
- ; 0 = (Default) The entire document
- ; 1 = The current selection
- ; 2 = The current page
- ; 3 = A specified range (must specify $i_From and $i_To)
- ; 4 = A specified range of pages (must specify $s_Pages)
- ; $i_From - Optional: The starting page number when $i_Range is set to 3.
- ; $i_To - Optional: The ending page number when $i_Range is set to 3.
- ; $s_Pages - Optional: The page numbers and page ranges to be printed, separated by commas,
- ; when $i_Range is set to 4. For example, "2, 6-10" prints page 2 and pages 6 through 10.
- ; $i_PageType - Optional: The type of pages to be printed.
- ; 0 = (Default) All pages
- ; 1 = Odd-numbered pages only
- ; 2 = Even-numbered pages only
- ; $i_Item - Optional: The item to be printed.
- ; 0 = (Default) Current document content
- ; 1 = Properties in the current document
- ; 2 = Comments and Markup in the current document
- ; 3 = Styles in the current document
- ; 4 = Autotext entries in the current document
- ; 5 = Key assignments in the current document
- ; 6 = An envelope
- ; 7 = Current document content including markup
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 2 ($_WordStatus_ComError) = Com Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Remark(s): Specifying $f_Background does NOT pause the script until the document is finished printing,
- ; it only pauses until Microsoft Word finishes sending the document to the printer.
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocPrint(ByRef $o_object, $f_Background = 0, $i_Copies = 1, $i_Orientation = -1, $f_Collate = 1, $s_Printer = "", $i_Range = 0, $i_From = "", $i_To = "", $s_Pages = "", $i_PageType = 0, $i_Item = 0)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $s_ActivePrinter, $i_Extended, $i_DocOrientation = "", $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success, $s_ErrorMSG = ""
- Switch $i_Range
- Case 3
- If Not $i_From Or Not $i_To Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", _
- "When $i_Range is set to 3, then you must specify $i_From and $i_To.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 7)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- Case 4
- If Not $s_Pages Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", _
- "When $i_Range is set to 4, you must specify $s_Pages.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 7)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndSwitch
- $i_Orientation = String($i_Orientation)
- If $i_Orientation <> "-1" Then
- Switch $i_Orientation
- Case "0", "1"
- $i_DocOrientation = String($o_object.PageSetup.Orientation)
- If $i_DocOrientation <> $i_Orientation Then
- $o_object.PageSetup.Orientation = $i_Orientation
- EndIf
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 4)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndIf
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocPrint", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- If $s_Printer Then
- $s_ActivePrinter = $o_object.Application.ActivePrinter
- $o_object.Application.ActivePrinter = $s_Printer
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError And $WordComErrorNumber = -2147352567 And $WordComErrorDescription = "There is a printer error." Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "Invalid printer name specified."
- $i_Extended = 6
- EndIf
- EndIf
- $i_From = String($i_From)
- $i_To = String($i_To)
- If Not $i_ErrorStatusCode Then
- $o_object.PrintOut ($f_Background, 0, $i_Range, "", $i_From, $i_To, $i_Item, $i_Copies, $s_Pages, $i_PageType, 0, $f_Collate)
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If $i_DocOrientation <> "" And $i_DocOrientation <> $i_Orientation Then
- $o_object.PageSetup.Orientation = $i_DocOrientation
- EndIf
- If $s_ActivePrinter Then
- $o_object.Application.ActivePrinter = $s_ActivePrinter
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Case $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case $_WordStatus_ComError
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_ComError", "There was an error while executing the 'PrintOut' Method.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPrint", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocPrint
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocPropertyGet()
- ; Description: Returns a select property of the Word Document.
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $v_property - Property selection
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Value of selected Property
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 2 ($_WordStatus_ComError) = Com Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocPropertyGet(ByRef $o_object, $v_property)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $s_Property, $s_ErrorMSG, $i_Extended, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocPropertyGet", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- If IsNumber($v_property) Then
- Switch $v_property
- Case 19, 25 To 28
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property is not supported."
- $i_Extended = 2
- Case 1 To 30
- $s_Property = $o_object.BuiltInDocumentProperties ($v_property).value
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property has not been defined."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndIf
- Case Else
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property does not exist."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndSwitch
- Else
- Switch $v_property
- Case "Title", "Subject", "Author", "Keywords", "Comments", "Template", "Last Author", "Revision Number", "Application Name", _
- "Last Print Date", "Creation Date", "Last Save Time", "Total Editing Time", "Security", "Category", "Manager", "Company", "Hyperlink base"
- $s_Property = $o_object.BuiltInDocumentProperties ($v_property).value
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property has not been defined."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndIf
- Case "Pages", "Words", "Characters", "Characters (with spaces)", "Bytes", "Lines", "Paragraphs"
- $s_Property = $o_object.BuiltInDocumentProperties ("Number of " & $v_property).value
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property has not been defined."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndIf
- Case Else
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property does not exist."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndSwitch
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $s_Property
- Case $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case $_WordStatus_ComError
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_ComError", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocPropertyGet
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocPropertySet()
- ; Description: Set a select property of the Word Document.
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $v_property - Property selection
- ; $v_newvalue - The new value to be set into the Word Document Property
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 2 ($_WordStatus_ComError) = Com Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocPropertySet(ByRef $o_object, $v_property, $v_newvalue)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- Local $s_ErrorMSG, $i_Extended, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocPropertySet", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- If IsNumber($v_property) Then
- Switch $v_property
- Case 1 To 6, 9, 18, 20, 21, 29
- $o_object.BuiltInDocumentProperties ($v_property).value = $v_newvalue
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- $s_ErrorMSG = "There was an error while setting the selected property."
- $i_Extended = 3
- EndIf
- Case 1 To 30
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property is not supported."
- $i_Extended = 2
- Case Else
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property does not exist."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndSwitch
- Else
- Switch $v_property
- Case "Title", "Subject", "Author", "Keywords", "Comments", "Template", _
- "Application Name", "Category", "Manager", "Company", "Hyperlink base"
- $o_object.BuiltInDocumentProperties ($v_property).value = $v_newvalue
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- $s_ErrorMSG = "There was an error while setting the selected property."
- $i_Extended = 3
- EndIf
- Case Else
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified property does not exist."
- $i_Extended = 2
- EndSwitch
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Case $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case $_WordStatus_ComError
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_ComError", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocPropertySet
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocLinkGetCollection()
- ; Description: Returns a collection object containing all links in the document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an Word.Application, document object
- ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance
- ; - Positive integer returns an indexed instance (1 based)
- ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object collection of all links in the document, @EXTENDED = link count
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; - 7 ($_WordStatus_NoMatch) = No Match
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocLinkGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocLinkGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocLinkGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- $i_index = Number($i_index)
- Select
- Case $i_index = -1
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Hyperlinks.Count)
- Return $o_object.Hyperlinks
- Case $i_index > 0 And $i_index <= $o_object.Hyperlinks.Count
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- SetExtended($o_object.Hyperlinks.Count)
- Return $o_object.Hyperlinks.Item ($i_index)
- Case $i_index < -1 Or $i_index = 0
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocLinkGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocLinkGetCollection", "$_WordStatus_NoMatch")
- SetError($_WordStatus_NoMatch, 2)
- Return 0
- EndSelect
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocLinkGetCollection
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocAddLink()
- ; Description: Add a hyperlink to the document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object
- ; $o_Anchor - Optional: The text or graphic that you want turned into a hyperlink.
- ; "" = (Default) Uses entire document as range
- ; $s_Address - Optional: The address for the specified link. The address can be an
- ; e-mail address, an Internet address, or a file name.
- ; "" = (Default) Link to the specified document is used
- ; $s_SubAddress - Optional: The name of a location within the destination file, such as
- ; a bookmark, named range, or slide number.
- ; $s_ScreenTip - Optional: The text that appears as a ScreenTip when the mouse pointer is
- ; positioned over the specified hyperlink.
- ; "" = (Default) Uses value of $s_Address
- ; $s_TextToDisplay - Optional: The display text of the specified hyperlink. The value of this
- ; argument replaces the text or graphic specified by Anchor.
- ; "" = (Default) Uses value of $s_Address
- ; $s_Target - Optional: The name of the frame or window in which you want to load the specified hyperlink.
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocAddLink(ByRef $o_object, $o_Anchor = "", $s_Address = "", $s_SubAddress = "", $s_ScreenTip = "", $s_TextToDisplay = "", $s_Target = "")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddLink", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddLink", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- If $o_Anchor = "" Then
- $o_Anchor = $o_object.Range
- EndIf
- If $s_Address = "" Then
- $s_Address = $o_object.FullName
- EndIf
- $o_object.Hyperlinks.Add ($o_Anchor, $s_Address, $s_SubAddress, $s_ScreenTip, $s_TextToDisplay, $s_Target)
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocAddLink
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordDocAddPicture()
- ; Description: Add a picture to the document
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application, document object.
- ; $s_FilePath - The path and file name of the picture.
- ; $f_LinkToFile - Optional: Specifies whether to link the picture to the file from which it was created.
- ; 0 = (Default) Make the picture an independent copy of the file
- ; 1 = Link the picture to the file from which it was created
- ; $f_SaveWithDocument - Optional: Specifies whether to save the linked picture with the document.
- ; 0 = (Default) Do not save the linked picture with the document
- ; 1 = Save the linked picture with the document
- ; $o_Range - Optional: The location where the picture will be placed in the text.
- ; "" = (Default) The picture is placed automatically
- ; Any range object
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to a Word.Application, shape object
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 2 ($_WordStatus_ComError) = Com Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordDocAddPicture(ByRef $o_object, $s_FilePath, $f_LinkToFile = 0, $f_SaveWithDocument = 0, $o_Range = "")
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not FileExists($s_FilePath) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", "The specified file does not exist.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $o_Shape, $f_Range, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- If $o_Range = "" Then
- $f_Range = False
- Else
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_Range, "range") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 5)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $f_Range = True
- EndIf
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordDocAddPicture", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- If $f_Range Then
- $o_Shape = $o_object.InlineShapes.AddPicture ($s_FilePath, $f_LinkToFile, $f_SaveWithDocument, $o_Range)
- Else
- $o_Shape = $o_object.InlineShapes.AddPicture ($s_FilePath, $f_LinkToFile, $f_SaveWithDocument)
- EndIf
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_Shape
- Case $_WordStatus_ComError
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_ComError", "There was an error while executing the 'AddPicture' Method.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordDocAddPicture", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordDocAddPicture
- #endregion
- #region Error Handling
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordErrorHandlerRegister()
- ; Description: Register and enable a user COM error handler
- ; Parameter(s): $s_functionName - String variable with the name of a user-defined COM error handler
- ; defaults to the internal COM error handler in this UDF
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordErrorHandlerRegister($s_functionName = "__WordInternalErrorHandler")
- $sWordUserErrorHandler = $s_functionName
- $oWordErrorHandler = ""
- $oWordErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $s_functionName)
- If IsObj($oWordErrorHandler) Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordErrorHandlerRegister", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", _
- "Error Handler Not Registered - Check existance of error function")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_WordErrorHandlerRegister
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- ; Description: Disable a registered user COM error handler
- ; Parameter(s): None
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - None
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- $sWordUserErrorHandler = ""
- $oWordErrorHandler = ""
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>_WordErrorHandlerDeRegister
- #endregion
- #region Utility Functions
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordErrorNotify()
- ; Description: Specifies whether Word.au3 automatically notifies of Warnings and Errors (to the console)
- ; Parameter(s): $f_notify - Optional: specifies whether notification should be on or off
- ; - -1 = (Default) return current setting
- ; - True = Turn On
- ; - False = Turn Off
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $f_notify = -1, returns the current notification setting, else returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordErrorNotify($f_notify = -1)
- Switch Number($f_notify)
- Case (-1)
- Return $_WordErrorNotify
- Case 0
- $_WordErrorNotify = False
- Return 1
- Case 1
- $_WordErrorNotify = True
- Return 1
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordErrorNotify", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue")
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordErrorNotify
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordMacroRun()
- ; Description: Runs a Visual Basic macro
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application object
- ; $s_MacroName - The name of the macro. Can be any combination of template,
- ; module, and macro name. (See Remarks)
- ; $v_Arg1 - Optional: The first parameter to pass to the macro
- ; ... ...
- ; $v_Arg30 - Optional: The thirtieth parameter to pass to the macro
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 1 ($_WordStatus_GeneralError) = General Error
- ; - 2 ($_WordStatus_ComError) = Com Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Remark(s): If you specify the document name, your code can only run macros in documents
- ; related to the current context รน not just any macro in any document.
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordMacroRun(ByRef $o_object, $s_MacroName, $v_Arg1 = Default, $v_Arg2 = Default, $v_Arg3 = Default, $v_Arg4 = Default, $v_Arg5 = Default, $v_Arg6 = Default, $v_Arg7 = Default, $v_Arg8 = Default, $v_Arg9 = Default, $v_Arg10 = Default, $v_Arg11 = Default, $v_Arg12 = Default, $v_Arg13 = Default, $v_Arg14 = Default, $v_Arg15 = Default, $v_Arg16 = Default, $v_Arg17 = Default, $v_Arg18 = Default, $v_Arg19 = Default, $v_Arg20 = Default, $v_Arg21 = Default, $v_Arg22 = Default, $v_Arg23 = Default, $v_Arg24 = Default, $v_Arg25 = Default, $v_Arg26 = Default, $v_Arg27 = Default, $v_Arg28 = Default, $v_Arg29 = Default, $v_Arg30 = Default)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordMacroRun", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordMacroRun", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- Local $s_ErrorMSG, $i_Extended, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_Success
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "_WordMacroRun", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- $o_object.Run($s_MacroName, $v_Arg1, $v_Arg2, $v_Arg3, $v_Arg4, $v_Arg5, _
- $v_Arg6, $v_Arg7, $v_Arg8, $v_Arg9, $v_Arg10, _
- $v_Arg11, $v_Arg12, $v_Arg13, $v_Arg14, $v_Arg15, _
- $v_Arg16, $v_Arg17, $v_Arg18, $v_Arg19, $v_Arg20, _
- $v_Arg21, $v_Arg22, $v_Arg23, $v_Arg24, $v_Arg25, _
- $v_Arg26, $v_Arg27, $v_Arg28, $v_Arg29, $v_Arg30)
- If @error = $_WordStatus_ComError Then
- If $WordComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Then
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- Switch $WordComErrorWinDescription
- Case "Member not found."
- $s_ErrorMSG = "The specified macro does not exist."
- $i_Extended = 2
- Case "Invalid number of parameters."
- $s_ErrorMSG = "Invalid number of parameters."
- $i_Extended = -1
- EndSwitch
- Else
- $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_WordStatus_ComError
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ;~ ConsoleWrite("Error: " & $WordComErrorNumber & @CR)
- ;~ ConsoleWrite("Desc: " & $WordComErrorWinDescription & @CR)
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode
- Case $_WordStatus_Success
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Case $_WordStatus_InvalidValue
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordMacroRun", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", $s_ErrorMSG)
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, $i_Extended)
- Return 0
- Case $_WordStatus_ComError
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordMacroRun", "$_WordStatus_ComError", "There was an error while executing the 'Run' Method.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError)
- Return 0
- Case Else
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordMacroRun", "$_WordStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify Word.au3 developer.")
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordMacroRun
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordPropertyGet()
- ; Description: Returns a select property of the Word Application
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application
- ; $s_property - Property selection
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Value of selected Property
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordPropertyGet(ByRef $o_object, $s_Property)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "wordobj") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $s_Property = StringLower($s_Property)
- Switch $s_Property
- Case "activeprinter"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.ActivePrinter ()
- Case "capslock"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.CapsLock ()
- Case "screentips"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.DisplayScreenTips ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.DisplayScreenTips ()
- EndIf
- Case "scrollbars"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.DisplayScrollBars ()
- Case "statusbar"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.DisplayStatusBar ()
- Case "height"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Height ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Height ()
- EndIf
- Case "language"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Language ()
- Case "left"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Left ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Left ()
- EndIf
- Case "numlock"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Numlock ()
- Case "path"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Path ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Path ()
- EndIf
- Case "screenupdating"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.ScreenUpdating ()
- Case "startuppath"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.StartupPath ()
- Case "top"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Top ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Top ()
- EndIf
- Case "version"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Version ()
- Case "visible"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Visible ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Visible ()
- EndIf
- Case "width"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Width ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.Width ()
- EndIf
- Case "windowstate"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.WindowState ()
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $o_object.Application.WindowState ()
- EndIf
- Case Else
- ; Unsupported Property
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertyGet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Property")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordPropertyGet
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _WordPropertySet()
- ; Description: Set a select property of the Word Application
- ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a Word.Application Object
- ; $s_property - Property selection
- ; $v_newvalue - The new value to be set into the Word Application Property
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR
- ; @ERROR - 0 ($_WordStatus_Success) = No Error
- ; - 3 ($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type
- ; - 4 ($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type
- ; - 5 ($_WordStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value
- ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _WordPropertySet(ByRef $o_object, $s_Property, $v_newvalue)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidDataType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ;
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "wordobj") Then
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $s_Property = StringLower($s_Property)
- Switch $s_Property
- Case "activeprinter"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.ActivePrinter = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Case "screentips"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.DisplayScreenTips = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.DisplayScreenTips = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "scrollbars"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.DisplayScrollBars = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Case "statusbar"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.DisplayStatusBar = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Case "height"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Height = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.Height = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "left"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Left = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.Left = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "screenupdating"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.ScreenUpdating = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Case "startuppath"
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.AApplication.StartupPath = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Case "top"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Top = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.Top = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "visible"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.visible = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.Visible = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "width"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Width = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.Width = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case "windowstate"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.WindowState = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- $o_object.Application.WindowState = $v_newvalue
- Return 1
- EndIf
- Case Else
- ; Unsupported Property
- __WordErrorNotify("Error", "_WordPropertySet", "$_WordStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Property")
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc ;==>_WordPropertySet
- #endregion
- #region General Functions
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: _Word_VersionInfo()
- ; Description: Returns an array of information about the Word.au3 version
- ; Parameter(s): None
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array ($WordAU3VersionInfo)
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[0] = Release Type (T=Test or V=Production)
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[1] = Major Version
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[2] = Minor Version
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[3] = Sub Version
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[4] = Release Date (YYYYMMDD)
- ; - $WordAU3VersionInfo[5] = Display Version (e.g. T0.1-0)
- ; On Failure - None
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func _Word_VersionInfo()
- __WordErrorNotify("Information", "_Word_VersionInfo", "version " & _
- $WordAU3VersionInfo[0] & _
- $WordAU3VersionInfo[1] & "." & _
- $WordAU3VersionInfo[2] & "-" & _
- $WordAU3VersionInfo[3], "Release date: " & $WordAU3VersionInfo[4])
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $WordAU3VersionInfo
- EndFunc ;==>_Word_VersionInfo
- #endregion
- #region Internal Functions
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: __WordGetHWND()
- ; Description: Returns the hwnd of a word object
- ; Parameter(s): None
- ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 Beta with COM support (post 3.1.1)
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1
- ; On Failure - None
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func __WordGetHWND(ByRef $o_object)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- If Not __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "internal function __WordGetHWND", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- ;
- Local $s_Title, $h_hwnd
- $s_Title = ($o_object.Caption & " - " & $o_object.Application.Caption)
- If Not $oWordErrorHandler.number = 0 Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- $h_hwnd = WinGetHandle($s_Title)
- If @error Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return $h_hwnd
- EndFunc ;==>__WordGetHWND
- Func __WordErrorNotify($s_severity, $s_func, $s_status = "", $s_message = "")
- If $_WordErrorNotify Or $__WordAU3Debug Then
- Local $sStr = "--> Word.au3 " & $s_severity & " from function " & $s_func
- If Not $s_status = "" Then $sStr &= ", " & $s_status
- If Not $s_message = "" Then $sStr &= " (" & $s_message & ")"
- ConsoleWrite($sStr & @CR)
- EndIf
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>__WordErrorNotify
- Func __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- Local $sCurrentErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error")
- If $sCurrentErrorHandler <> "" And Not IsObj($oWordErrorHandler) Then
- ; We've got trouble... User COM Error handler assigned without using _WordUserErrorHandlerRegister
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- $oWordErrorHandler = ""
- $oWordErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__WordInternalErrorHandler")
- If IsObj($oWordErrorHandler) Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_GeneralError)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>__WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister
- Func __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- $oWordErrorHandler = ""
- If $sWordUserErrorHandler <> "" Then
- $oWordErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $sWordUserErrorHandler)
- EndIf
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- EndFunc ;==>__WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister
- Func __WordInternalErrorHandler()
- $WordComErrorScriptline = $oWordErrorHandler.scriptline
- $WordComErrorNumber = $oWordErrorHandler.number
- $WordComErrorNumberHex = Hex($oWordErrorHandler.number, 8)
- $WordComErrorDescription = StringStripWS($oWordErrorHandler.description, 2)
- $WordComErrorWinDescription = StringStripWS($oWordErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2)
- $WordComErrorSource = $oWordErrorHandler.Source
- $WordComErrorHelpFile = $oWordErrorHandler.HelpFile
- $WordComErrorHelpContext = $oWordErrorHandler.HelpContext
- $WordComErrorLastDllError = $oWordErrorHandler.LastDllError
- $WordComErrorOutput = ""
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "--> COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorScriptline = " & $WordComErrorScriptline & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorNumberHex = " & $WordComErrorNumberHex & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorNumber = " & $WordComErrorNumber & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorWinDescription = " & $WordComErrorWinDescription & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorDescription = " & $WordComErrorDescription & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorSource = " & $WordComErrorSource & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorHelpFile = " & $WordComErrorHelpFile & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorHelpContext = " & $WordComErrorHelpContext & @CR
- $WordComErrorOutput &= "----> $WordComErrorLastDllError = " & $WordComErrorLastDllError & @CR
- If $_WordErrorNotify Or $__WordAU3Debug Then ConsoleWrite($WordComErrorOutput & @CR)
- SetError($_WordStatus_ComError)
- Return
- EndFunc ;==>__WordInternalErrorHandler
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- ; Function Name: __WordLockSetForegroundWindow()
- ; Description: Locks (and Unlocks) current Foreground Window focus to prevent a new window
- ; from stealing it (e.g. when creating invisible window)
- ; Parameter(s): $nLockCode - 1 Lock Foreground Window Focus, 2 Unlock Foreground Window Focus
- ; Requirement(s): Windows 2000/Windows ME or higher
- ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1
- ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR and @EXTENDED to non-zero values
- ; Author(s): Valik
- ;
- ;===============================================================================
- ;
- Func __WordLockSetForegroundWindow($nLockCode)
- Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "LockSetForegroundWindow", "int", $nLockCode)
- If @error Then
- SetError(@error, @extended)
- Return False
- EndIf
- Return $aRet[0]
- EndFunc ;==>__WordLockSetForegroundWindow
- ;===============================================================================
- ; Function Name: __WordIsObjType()
- ; Description: Check to see if an object variable is of a specific type
- ; Author(s): Bob Anthony (Code based off IE.au3)
- ;===============================================================================
- Func __WordIsObjType(ByRef $o_object, $s_type)
- If Not IsObj($o_object) Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidDataType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification
- Local $status = __WordInternalErrorHandlerRegister()
- If Not $status Then __WordErrorNotify("Warning", "internal function __WordIsObjType", _
- "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _
- "Use _WordErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler")
- Local $f_NotifyStatus = _WordErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status
- _WordErrorNotify(False)
- ;
- Local $s_Name = ObjName($o_object), $objectOK = False
- Switch $s_type
- Case "wordobj"
- If __WordIsObjType($o_object, "application") Then
- $objectOK = True
- ElseIf __WordIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then
- $objectOK = True
- ElseIf __WordIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then
- $objectOK = True
- EndIf
- Case "application"
- If $s_Name = "_Application" Then $objectOK = True
- Case "document"
- If $s_Name = "_Document" Then $objectOK = True
- Case "documents"
- If $s_Name = "Documents" Then $objectOK = True
- Case "range"
- If $s_Name = "Range" Then $objectOK = True
- Case "window"
- If $s_Name = "Window" Then $objectOK = True
- Case "windows"
- If $s_Name = "Windows" Then $objectOK = True
- Case Else
- ; Unsupported ObjType specified
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidValue, 2)
- Return 0
- EndSwitch
- ; restore error notify and error handler status
- _WordErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status
- __WordInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister()
- If $objectOK Then
- SetError($_WordStatus_Success)
- Return 1
- Else
- SetError($_WordStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1)
- Return 0
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>__WordIsObjType
- #endregion